
There are many publicly available resources to help support your disclosure, including the guidance and scoring methodology which are all available on our website here.

If you are a corporate responder and you feel you would benefit from additional direct support, the CDP Reporter Services Program may be of interest to you. This program enhances and strengthens disclosure by offering strategic disclosure support, enhanced data products, and events and insights to stay ahead of the curve.

In 2023, the Reporter Services Program had 400+ members worldwide, covering 41 countries and all sectors. Members receive one-to-one account management from a CDP expert, allowing them to strengthen their environmental roadmap and identify best practices. Additionally, Reporter Services data products include a comparative analysis report and tailored sector-based data cuts to support companies in assessing performance against peers.

For additional information and a demo of our analytics tool, please visit our website. The brochure also contains more detailed information on the touch points, data products, and benefits that members can expect. Please get in touch by emailing to find out more or schedule a call with one of our representatives!

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