
Through CDP, cities and states and regions can measure, monitor, and manage their impacts on the environment, and access networks and shared information from sub-national governments all over the world.

The main benefits of reporting your city or state and region data include:

  • Demonstrating transparency and accountability: By publicly reporting your environmental data, you can monitor your progress, display your commitment to tackle the climate crisis, identify opportunities to become a competitive area for economic development and attract finance and investment.
  • Accessing actionable insights and knowledge-sharing between states and regions: CDP facilitates the exchange of best practices between cities and states and regions through regional and global events, case studies and reports. All publicly reported cities data and all states and regions data is shared to the Open Data Portal. This is a valuable resource where you can view the actions of other cities or states and regions and benchmark your progress over time against your peers. The portal allows you to learn more about the latest disclosed data and receive unique insights to support your decision-making processes.
  • Joining our network and participating in several global environmental projects and initiatives: CDP is the reporting platform for states and regions for the Regions Adapt initiative, Climate Group, the Race to Resilience, the Race to Zero and EU Climate Pact. This offers states and regions capacity-building opportunities and access to a network of relevant support. CDP is the reporting platform for cities for the Global Covenant of Mayors, EU Climate Pact, C40, Cities Race to Zero and Race to Resilience, as well as other initiatives offered by ICLEI.
  • Showcase your ambition: Present your plans, targets and progress through CDP’s data partners. Public data is used by the UNFCCC Global Climate Action Portal(GCAP), which recognizes climate actions and commitments undertaken by actors from around the globe.
  • Receive free support and training through individual support calls, webinars and guidance materials. This includes scoring for cities where CDP will provide individual guidance on steps to improve your climate actions. Receive direct support to improve and update your city’s climate target so that it is 1.5° aligned, showcasing to citizens that your city is influencing policy and decision-making and working towards the goals of the Paris Agreement.
  • Identify gaps and opportunities: The reporting process will  identify potential gaps and opportunities within your climate strategy, giving you a baseline of your current conditions and the areas to pursue for further improvement.
  • Opportunity to access finance and engage with investors: CDP is aligned with the global standard of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and by reporting to CDP, this can help your city or state/region attract climate finance and allow your projects to be climate finance ready for investors. Make use of CDP’s Matchmaker program showcasing climate and resiliency projects to the capital markets, explore resources to support sustainable infrastructure projects, and learn more about the CDP’s supply chain program.

Responding to the Cities or the States and Regions Questionnaire on the CDP platform is free. You will not be charged an administration fee.

CDP has charitable status and seeks to use its limited funds effectively. As such, responses must be prepared and submitted at the expense of responding cities or states and regions.
We understand that disclosing through CDP, whether for the first time or as an experienced responder, takes time and requires support. CDP offers cities, states and regions support on every step of the disclosing journey through guidance documentation, live webinars and workshops.

CDP’s guidance documents provide an overview of question pathways as well as details on what information to provide. Once you have registered and activated your questionnaire we can guide you on the format required and where to find tools or further information to construct your answers.

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If you have not found an answer you were looking for, please contact our support team through My Support. You will need to be signed in to access this.
If you are a new user, you can register here. Once you are signed in, please return to the Help Center via the link at the top of the page.


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